European Banking Authority (EBA) has published the results of stress tests on European banks; new measures of solvency were being taken into account, of 9%, which banks must align to by the middle of next year. The total amount needed by banks in the euro area is higher than initially estimated, respectively 114.68 billion euros, higher than the previous estimate of 106.5 billion euros. Germany is the country where the amount was doubled at the end of the stress test. States with the biggest problems are, of course, the ones with major difficulties in managing public debt. Greece needs 30 billion euros, 26.2 billion – Spain, Italy needs 14.8 billion. Surprisingly, however, leaving aside the problem states, Germany is the country that needs the most money, 13.1 billion euros (compared with initial estimates of 5.2 billion euros).
Most likely, the increase is the result of difficulties that Commerzbank is going through – it needs 5.3 billion euros to align with the new European standards. Analysts expect the bank, one of the main creditors of the country, to be nationalized, the German government already owning 25% of the share capital of Commerzbank. A significant difference is recorded by Austria, which needs 3.9 billion euros for recapitalization, compared with initial estimates of 2.9 billion euros. The statement of EBA announced, however, that much of this amount is attributed to Österreichische Volksbank AG, an institution that goes through an extensive process of review and restructuring of the business. This means that the amount needed for recapitalization can be considered a “proforma” that will change after the completion of restructuring.
Erste Group Bank communicated already the amount needed for recapitalization, an amount unchanged from estimates of 743 million euros. According to the communique, the bank will meet the requirements of EBA by deferring gains and selling non-core assets selectively, without resorting to help from the state. Belgium is a country with problems, with a value of 6.3 billion for recapitalization, but the figures will change, as Dexia Bank has already been restructured. Belgian State nationalized the institution and injected 4 billion euros in the company, money that could be deducted from the amount notified by the EBA.
Portugal needs 6.95 billion euros, down from 7.8 billion in estimates and France will need 7.32 billion euros, also down from 8.8 billion euros. Excluding troubled economies (Greece, Spain and Portugal, amounting to 63.12 billion euros), the recapitalization is not very high. Especially since from the rest of 51.6 billion euros, Italy and Germany need 28.5 billion euros.