Former IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleaded not guilty today to the charges of sexual abuse and attempted rape, in front of New York State Supreme Court judge Michael Obus. The next hearing was scheduled for July 18, as informed by international news agencies.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) also denied previously in the resignation letter from his post at the IMF the accusations against him. DSK, currently supervised at home, now lives in a luxurious rented house with his wife, the wealthy French television journalist Anne Sinclair, in the TriBeCa neighborhood of Manhattan.
Former IMF chief was arrested last month on JFK airport in New York when he was trying to fly to Paris and indicted for the alleged sexual assault on a 32-year-old maid at the Sofitel hotel where he was staying in the American metropolis.
Strauss-Kahn headed the IMF from November 2007. After his coming to the forefront, emergency loans from the IMF have soared from less than $2 billion in 2007 to approximately 92 billion dollars in 2010, according to the British newspaper “The Telegraph”.
The protest of the maids
A group of women dressed as maids showed up today when DSK arrived at the New York Supreme Court. “Shame!” they shouted. Strauss-Kahn arrived to the court around 08:40 local time, with his wife, Anne Sinclair.