The recent earthquake since 150 years is the biggest quake which has hit Japan smashing into the northeast coast of the country and triggering a tsunami of 32 foot that swept away everything that came in its way. As shown by the Japanese television the huge wall of water filled with debris swept away cars, buildings and ships as well.
According to the Red Cross based in Geneva, it was even higher than in many of the Pacific islands as the warning was issued for whole of the Pacific Basin which also included Hawaii, Indonesia, Taiwan and Philippines. Evacuation has been ordered by the authorities in Hawaii of the coastal areas.
32 people at least have died in Japan so far and many have been injured by the quake including which had the magnitude of 8.9 as reported by Kyodo which is a news agency. But the scale of damage suggests that final casualty count will be much higher.
Fire has erupted across the quake area and oil refinery which was on the outskirts was reported being under fire and the fire even went through Onagawa nuclear facility which was situated in Miyagi Prefecture. So far there has been no detection of radiation leakages on eleven different reactors as they were closed down after the disaster.
Workers and local residents have gather in open spaces and parks as aftershocks still continue to hit the city. It was also reported that 20 people received injuries after the collapse of the hall roof where graduation ceremony was being held in capital.
Many people have commented that they have never seen a quake of such a powerful magnitude. Hidekatsu Hata who is a manager at a noodle restaurant in capital commented that he was terrified and still frightened and he never experienced a quake this big ever before.