Revenue for the company in Mountainview, California exploded in April and May of this year.
The company run by Larry Page and Sergey Brin announced spectacular financial results: revenues of 9.03 billion dollars in the second quarter (three months) this year, up almost one third (32%) from the similar period of last year.
The number of employees has increased by 9% to 28,768. The company had therefore an income of $313,890 per employee in the second quarter of this year compared to $259,157 per employee in the same period of 2010.
Net profit over this period was $87,075 per employee, compared to $69,919 per employee in the second half of 2010. By comparison, also in April-June 2011, IBM reported revenue of $45,000 per employee and a profit of $6,082 per employee.
These results indicate that increasing the number of employees did not affect the company’s results, on the contrary, Google executives have managed better the activities. One explanation may be the renunciation of unprofitable products, like Google Health, where Larry Page pumped large sums in the last year.
“I am very excited about the fans’ answer to the launch of Google+ that basically allows you to share any information as in real life” said the co-founder of Google in the communique.