The main character in “Two and a Half Men”, Charlie Sheen, tells everybody that he feels bored while trying to stay awake, suggesting that quitting drugs will not be happening for him in the near future.
The 45-year-old actor is treated at home for his addiction to alcohol and drugs (and parties…), but finds it unexciting to stay up and about.
“I haven’t been drinking for about five years in the past, some time ago, and I was bored to death” said the famous actor, born Carlos Irwin Estevez. He also recommends other people to stay away from cocaine if they can’t deal with the society they live in.
The actor is under is continuously under observation by a group of professionals. He willingly entered rehab on January 28, 2010 for a brief stay, but left the clinic shortly after. He stated that he feels fine and he’s prepared to go back to the movie set immediately.
The drug tests that Charlie Sheen has taken lately were all negative and were sent to Warner Bros. which, however, already decided to put the show “Two and a Half Men” on hold.
Charlie Sheen, best known for movies like the war drama “Platoon”, stock market drama “Wall Street” and sitcoms “Spin City” and “Two and a Half Men” gets an estimated $1.8 million dollars per episode for playing the single man in a show watched by over 60 million viewers each month.
This sitcom is a big source of money for Warner Bros. and CBS TV station and is still immensely popular even though it was ridden by many incidents and scandals in recent years, whose main character was always Charlie Sheen.