George Clinton, a legendary music icon of the 90s, decided to take legal action against the famous Black Eyed Peas for reasons of copyright infringement. The funk legend stated that the band copied several elements of his former tracks and named them as their own.
The multimillion dollar lawsuit will take place in California. Clinton claims that some elements from the band’s 2003 “Shut Up” single are his.
George Clinton declared that he never agreed to release anything and that The Black Eyed Peas simply stole his work. He additionally mentioned that he never liked the band and that he prefers listening to Rihanna or Eminem.
Regarding the lawsuit, the musician said in front of the media that he never had a signed contract with the Black Eyed Peas and that everything they did was without asking him. At this point, the musician is extremely frustrated additionally declaring that he knew about the infringement only after he was contacted by the group’s producer.