Bulletproof schoolbag sales soar after Newtown school massacre

Bulletproof backpackThe sales of security equipment designed for children show a significant increase in the United States, especially the marketing of a bulletproof backpack with the Little Mermaid, following the Sandy Hook shooting, reports AFP.

For $300, the Salt Lake City company Amendment II, the name of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which guarantees the right to bear arms, suggests the “Little Mermaid” schoolbag for girls and “Avengers” for boys.

The armored backpack can be used as a shield, it weighs just a little bit more than a regular backpack, due to a layer of RynoHide carbon nanotube armor and looks like any other school backpack.

“Sewn into the rear of the pack, you can always be confident that the armor hasn’t been accidentally left at home and that you or your child are protected in case of the unthinkable,”

says the company on its website.

“It’s a horrible thing that you would never imagine that you have buy for your child, but after the tragedy in Newtown, our sales are ten times higher,” admits the chief of the company based in Utah, Richard Craig, who refused however to give accurate sales data.

The company also developed an armor to be integrated into the favorite  schoolbag of children. In exchange for $150 to $200, the BulletBlocker can be sewn in the lining of the backpack. “Lightweight, easy to use, is the size of school books,” Elmar Uy, vice president of operations at Bullet Blocker.

On Friday, according to him, sales increased by 40 percent and reached 40 pieces per day. “We do not guarantee anything, we only sell peace of mind for parents,” he said.

“After the Sandy Hook attack Hook and hysteria surrounding the Mayan predictions about the end of the world, we are overwhelmed by demand, which has doubled,”

said David Standard from the Black Dragon Tactical company, stating that it sells about 30 armors per day, for $229 each.

“The question is whether your child’s life is worth $229. Majority of our customers think so. For the car or home you have  insurance. Same thing in this case, a small security measure, if your child is in the wrong place in the wrong place,”

he added.
