Beginning of the end for Apple?

Apple gadgetsApple, the most valuable company in the world today, has undergone several changes over the past year, since co-founder Steve Jobs has left us. IT industry experts believe that Apple rushed to release this year all sorts of iGadgets more or less interesting, a short distance from each other. As a result, there is no big event coming in 2013, according to Business Insider.

Here is a short recap of Apple launches this year:

  • In March they launched iPad 3 (new iPad);
  • June: the 15-inch MacBook was launched;
  • September: iPhone 5, the much awaited phone was introduced;
  • A new generation of iPods came in October;
  • The iPad mini was released a couple of days ago (October 23);
  • A new iMac was introduced at the time of iPad Mini release;
  • Earlier this month, the 13-inch MacBook was launched.

So what will Apple come with next year, IT specialists wonder? “With nothing, really. Perhaps an upgrade to Mac Pro, but who cares about these small improvements? Maybe a redesign of the iPad, but after two upgrades in 2012, it seems hard to imagine another tablet model until October 2013. An iPhone 5S is expected, not an iPhone 6 “, writes Business Insider.

Considering all these issues, Apple could surprise the audience passionate about the latest gadgets with something really spectacular, that is not another iPhone, iPad, iPod or MacBook. It might launch Apple TV, which is all the rage for some time now, to restore the worldwide attention towards the American brand as it was when Jobs was alive. Apple TV could even hit the market in the spring of 2013, said a source quoted by the website Business Insider.

But analysts wonder if Apple will be able to convince cable companies to partner with them for this project. Without these players, Apple will not “break the TV market” with its product, no matter how revolutionary it is.

2013 will be the first year in the corporate history of Apple without any influence from its parent, Steve Jobs. Some experts say that Apple should prepare “to mitigate its loss” if not able to come up with an innovation, with something huge on the electronics market.
