A new application threatens Apple’s position on the mobile market

Google NowGoogle Now, an Android application that searches using voice commands will strongly compete with the similar service from Apple, Siri. This will be a daunting rival for Apple given the increased functionality and the Google’s search database, threatening Apple’s market positioning for portable devices.

The Android app is the answer of the online search giant to the Siri application, and is better than it of at least three reasons, according to Business Insider. Firstly, because Google Now uses the largest search engine in the world and shows better results in a routine search. Secondly, Google Now is a fully functional product, unlike Siri and thirdly, Google Now is more accurate and useful.

In addition, Apple has already lost ground to Google with the new maps service launched for iOS 6, which led Apple chief, Tim Cook, to apologize for the inconvenience of the Maps and to advise users to look for alternative solutions from competition.

It seems that whenever Apple is trying to compete with Google, it loses. Maps and Siri service are two examples of this, as these are applications that depend on a database which, if is more complex, like that of Google, is more beneficial for applications that use it. Apple Maps app uses data from Waze, TomTom and Yelp, and Siri relies on suppliers such as Wolfram Alpha and Yahoo.

Apple issues started when it gave up Google services, aiming to other information providers. But Google has a massive database that it has managed to build over several years. Until recently, Apple relied on Google to deliver these data, but when it switched to other companies, it lost significant features and accurate information.

What is even more worrying is that Apple could declare a total war to Google, engaging in online search industry and give up the services of the largest search engine in the world on iPhone and iPad devices.
